Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dealing with Anger at Yirara

Many of the fellas at Yirara have some anger issues. One of my jobs as a Health teacher is to teach them how to notice when they might feel angry. So, we can ask them to describe what it is like when they feel angry…
“I feel shaky”
“My head hurts”
“I am like a volcano”
Great metaphors. Except the day when one student said, “Mister, when I angry, I am like salami.” Hmmm...I go, “So you mean like it can be hot in your mouth or like on a pizza, it burns up.”
“No mister….Like when that big wave comes and wrecks everything”
“Oh, you mean a tsunami.”

1 comment:

  1. I use "serenity now" as a way to calm my anger when something doesn't go right.

    "Serenity now, serenity now......."
