Monday, July 28, 2008


The band. Very talented. Most play multiple instruments.

Adam, Alex and Michael

Clinton and Nico

Nicholas and Shamus

Sammy and Martin

Life at Yirara continues for me and I am beginning to feel very comfortable in my decision to come, but uncomfortable in the challenges I face every day. This is exactly what I need, rather than what I want. I have loved getting to know the kids and I am constantly working at ways to connect to the fellas. I am beginning to be taught some words in language and still have enough of the fellas stroking my hair on my arms, hold my hand, wear my hat or sunglasses, swear at me, bump me as I work past to see if they can hurt me, challenge me to arm wrestles, want me to kick the footy to them in packs for “speccy” practice, be a commentator and make a footy siren noise to indicate the end of the footy game and then commentate them coming into to shoot at the goal to win the game and summaries on Monday describing every kick, mark or hand pass I made on the weekend’s game to feel like I am slowly being accepted. (A slight side issue. Apparently my fondness for the handball can be seen as me being “scared” according to some of the fellas. “Why don’t you kick it Mister...You scared.” Might need more time out here playing footy to work that one out....Sorry to my family, I might not retire this year.)
(Me with angry young boy at the start of the term. A good little mate by the end...A Lions supporter!!)

The 4 week holiday I have just had has sold me as well. Plenty of time to explore this great country and get back home for awhile. I recommend not banking on your third child to be born on its due date!! I have forgotten most of the bad times and now am looking forward to the new term. I am now Health and PE coordinator and have had another 4 lessons taken from my timetable, so I will have more opportunities to try and make an impact out here and work with the Footy Academy at the school to mentor the fellas a bit more. I should be able to go on some footy trips as well. I have had some initial talks on trying to organise a trip to Brisbane and bring a team over to explore the Great South East and play some good footy as well.

I am looking forward to my family (and adopted family) coming out here and people visiting just so I can show people what things are like, rather than trying to explain it.

My faith is strengthening as a result. Yirara is not necessarily on the frontlines, but it is pretty close. These can often be the kids who have nowhere else to go to feel safe and accepted. We feed and clothe them and allow them the chance to get some sort of literacy and numeracy to be able to survive in our world that we have created and expect just to slot in and have the same worldview as we do. We also give them God. It is not necessarily the style of “church” that I have come to accept or would like to promote and maybe some of the staff perhaps may not be too concerned with the things of God, but there is definitely a ministry here, whether you like it or not. The older I get, the more I teach, the more I feel I must really frustrate God the same way the kids I teach, or my own kids treat me sometimes. And yet, I come back trying to understand forgiveness, reconciliation, grace and my faith. And then I look at these unloved kids in my care, and they have taught me more about these things than many of the churches I have been a part of. They might not know it, but these kids can bring you closer to God. You either have to pray that you don’t kill them, or ask Him to help you move on just as quickly as they seem to do when an incident is dealt with. I have loved reading Philip Yancey and I do read him more than I read the Bible at times. I have just finishing a second read of “Soul Survivor- How my faith survived the church” and “Prayer- Does it make any difference?” and both books sum up where I am at. My faith is surviving the church and my I do feel at times I can sense God more without having to pray it into existence- I hope that people see this in me.

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